Beautiful Plumbing

Contact Details

Maida Vale WA, Australia
1300 454 222

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Opening Times

We will Respond within 30 minutes during business hours Mon -Fri 7:00am to 3:30pm

Why Beautiful Plumbing?
Our plumbing company in the Foothills came about after really listening and thinking about who our customers are and what they really want and need from their local plumber. Too many plumbing companies are all about what plumbers want and not necessarily focused on their customers. We strive to be a company that is all about our customers and providing beautiful solutions to difficult plumbing problems.

The Beautiful Plumbers behind Beautiful Plumbing.
Ben runs the show at Beautiful Plumbing and is passionate about running a company that puts its customers and customer service first and foremost. He’s a husband of one, father of four, expert ice coffee maker and designer of dangerous (ie. Fun) play equipment for his kids.
Shaun is Ben’s right hand man. He loves the rugby, cooks a mean Boerewors and can be spotted rollerblading the streets after work in his uniform. He’s married with two fun loving kids.
Jake joined the Beautiful Plumbing team at an earlier age after his mum approached Ben about Jake wanting to do some plumbing work experience. He is the second of three brothers and is very enthusiastic about becoming a plumber. He is a fast learner and is proceeding in leaps and bound on his way to becoming a tradesman.
Robyn is the friendly efficient voice behind the phones of Beautiful Plumbing. She keeps the wheels of the business turning. She is married with two kids.
Licence Details

Plumbing PL6784

Gas GF7595

Blocked Drains
Having blocked drains can be a messy situation- you might flush the toilet and have it overflow or a sink or basin may not drain when you remove the plug. These situations can stop your daily life in its tracks and will require urgent attention from a plumber. If you are in this situation please give us a call or fill in the callback form on the homepage – we’ll be happy to help out if you live in or near the Shire of Kalamunda in the Perth Hills.

Other signs and possible early warning signs of a blocked drain include:

Slow draining
Bad smells
Changes in the toilet water level
Gurgling noises
We have the latest technology in drain cameras and drain cleaning and we’ll be able to assess these symptoms and prevent disaster from striking.

Leaking Taps
Whether you have a leaking tap or need advice on new taps for a whole house or renovation we can give you advice and we even carry on board our favorite most reliable and value for money taps so that we can update taps on the spot saving you time and money.

Hot Water Services
They are the quiet workers in our homes that hum away nicely until that dreaded day where the shower runs cold and dishes stack higher in the sink. It is often only then that we pay attention to our hot water systems and it is just as likely that we will then need to make a quick decision about a big ticket item that is going to be with us for around the next ten years. Decisions like which system to get, what size and where to put it are all ones we can help you get right quickly so you can get back to your day to day life without thinking about your hot water system. We’ll even remind you when its time to service it.

Here are some helpful videos to help you with your Hot Water Systems

Gas Fitting & Leaks
How do I know if my home has a gas leak?

The signs and symptoms of a gas leak include

A rotten egg like odour
A hissing sound coming from around an appliance
Dead spiders in meter box
Unexplained large gas bill
Gas leaks in or around the home can be dangerous. If you suspect a gas leak turn the gas off to your home (usually in the meter box or LPG bottles) and then call us immediately.

Excess Water Pressure
Signs of Excess Water Pressure
Do you have an excess water pressure problem at your home in the Perth Hills. Our  video tells you what are the signs of excess water pressure and what it means for your house. We explain how we can test to see if your pressure is over the recommended Australian Standard of 500kPa. We can also check to see if any damage has been done to your plumbing taps, hoses, pipes dishwashers or Hot Water Systems. We explain how we can fix this at your home in Perth so you can avert disaster.

We provide plumbing services to Maida Vale, Kalamunda and the foothills areas. With multiple vehicles on the road we offer fast service including emergency situations.

We offer fast reliable services including repairs, plumbing maintenance and installation and testing of backflow devices, commercial drains, hot water, gas fitting, sewer and waste water leaks. We are expert in meeting commercial plumbing needs in restaurants, shopping centres, hotels and strata corporations.

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