Gyms & Fitness Centres Windsor VIC

Found: 3 Gyms & Fitness Centres in Windsor, VIC and Surrounding Suburbs.
1. Brophy's Body & Mind
1/7 McIlwrick St
Christiana Christou
03 9529 6161

A boutique gym catering for all body types and ages.

2. Personal Training Academy
128 Commercial Road
Melony Remedios
Distance: 0.74 KM

High Quality, Australian based RTO with global knowledge and experience, creating job ready Personal Trainers. Providing cutting edge, industry relevant, continuing education courses to drive success and longevity for our graduates.

3. Tabban Muscle and Body Shape
1-25/29 Wangaratta Street
Michael Tabban
03 9427 8735
Distance: 4.22 KM

Personal training experts in body transformation & sculpting, weight loss and competition training & preparation for females and males looking to get fit. Perfect for people in Richmond, Hawthorn, Toorak. Melbourne based.