Hair Products East Fremantle WA

Found: 3 Hair Products in East Fremantle, WA and Surrounding Suburbs.
1. HairSupplies
Shop 11, 89 Petra Street East Fremantle WA 6157
(08) 9339 2881

Who are we? Established over 40 years ago and faithfully serving Western Australia’s professional hair and beauty needs ever since, HairSupplies is Perth’s leading professional Hair & Beauty Superstore. HairSupplies is based in East Fremantle, just blocks away from where the family business began. From humble beginnings we have grown and matured as a trusted […]

2. BoBlonde Hair & Beauty Salon
67 George Street, East Fremantle, WA 6158.
(08) 9319 8444

Hairdressing Services, Evening Makeup, Bridesmaid Makeup, Formal Hair, Makeup, Hair Cuts,

3. The Shearing Shed
25-35 William St Fremantle, Western Australia
08 9430 7499
9335 8314
Distance: 2.64 KM

Formal Hair, Special Occasion Hair, Hair Foils, Keratin Treatments, Hair Curling, Ladies Hair Cuts,