Del Rae Massage Specialist

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2 Fork Street, Coorparoo, Brisbane 4151
07 3847 9500

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Del Rae Massage Specialist in Coorparoo, Brisbane, QLD is categorized under Massage Specialising in Back Massage, Relaxation Massage, Remedial Massage.

Other services by Del Rae Massage Specialist are Shoulder Massage, Neck Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Indian Head Massage.

Phone Del Rae Massage Specialist to ask question about our services.

Why Chiropractic?

The whole picture

Like other health-care providers, we follow a standard routine to gain information about the patient.

We consult, review the case history, conduct a physical examination and we may request laboratory analyses and/or x-rays.

Unlike other health-care providers, however, chiropractic physicians also conduct a careful analysis of the patient’s structure and pay particular attention to the spine.

We also ask you about your life. Do you eat well? Exercise at all? How do you deal with stress? Do you have children? What do you do for work? And so on.

Look for the cause

Using this information, a diagnosis is made. Included in the diagnosis is the probable reason for your pain or discomfort.

It is important to note that chiropractors seek the origin of the illness in order to eliminate it we do not simply treat the symptoms.

If your roof is leaking, do you simply catch the drips in a bucket for years on end or do you repair the roof to prevent it from leaking? Similarly, if the migraine headache you’ve had all week is being caused by misaligned vertebra and an irritated nerve, do you continue to take pain killers indefinitely or do you realign the vertebra to prevent the pain? You get the picture.

Chiropractors have a term for misalignments: subluxations. A vertebral subluxation is a misalignment of the bones that protect the spinal cord.

It’s a leak in the roof. Or a kink in the wiring of your nervous system.

The severity of the subluxation can vary and there are a number of potential contributing factors that can be physical, emotional, mental, or chemical. The subluxation can be caused by any number of incidents, from birth trauma to an auto accident to simple repetition or over-use.

We help you fix it

When a subluxation occurs, a chiropractor can correct the misaligned bone and allow it to return to its proper position.

This procedure is appropriately called an adjustment and the adjustment enables the body to heal. The leak is fixed. The wiring is fixed. Information is flowing again.

To keep the wiring fixed and the information flowing, several adjustments over a course of time may be necessary, in addition to massage, physical therapy, stretching exercises or strengthening exercises.

In the chiropractic world, keeping the problem fixed and preventing its reoccurrence is just as important as the initial remedy.

Another important aspect of chiropractic care is this: the patient’s improvement is the responsibility of both the doctor and the patient.

You will be active in your own care this is essential in optimizing the care you receive.


What Services are offered?

SOT – Sacro Occipital Technique

SOT stands for Sacro Occipital Technique.  It is a specialized, gentle and innovative chiropractic technique founded by Dr De Jarnette in 1925.  SOT is designed to balance the relationship between the sacrum (base of the spine) and the occiput (base of the skull).

The sacrum pumps Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) from the base of your spine, through the spinal canal to your brain and through your nervous system.  Your pelvis is the foundation of the human skeleton, supporting your body from head to toe.


Your spine holds you upright and protects the nervous system.  The nervous system functions normal only when we are structurally balanced.  This is why the Sacro Occipital Technique is a comprehensive method of keeping your body functioning well.

The SOT adjustment system allows Dr Misha to assess your body from the inside out.  With the gentle use of an Activator instrument to realign your spinal column and the use of wedge shaped blocks to balance the pelvis, Dr Misha will then adjust the areas on your body to create the changes needed for you to enjoy your best health.

In the same way you take your car for a tune up, your body’s structure needs to be balanced and your nervous system requires assessment and adjustment to function at optimal levels.

NET (Neuro Emotional Technique)

We all know that our emotions can affect our physical well being.   However, negative feelings such as anger, grief and fear can affect our bodies when we do not “let go” of these emotions.

NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) is based on the relationship between the body’s structural integrity and emotional health.  It is a tool that can help identify and let go of negative emotional patterns, therefore improving physical and mental health.

Neuro Emotional Technique does not cure or heal, but can remove the “blocks” that will allow the body to repair itself naturally.  It is based on a combination of scientific research and centuries old techniques used in Eastern healing.

TBM – Total Body Modification

TBM is a technique that is used to find the organ or area of the body that is stressed and correct the problem by restoring balance to the nervous system.

TBM addresses and corrects Functional Physiology (how the body works). It allows the power that made the body, correct the body and allow it to heal.
TBM has taken this philosophy and explored the possibilities of the body’s inherent ability of self-regeneration.

TBM demonstrates that if the right thing is done to the right body at the right time and the right way wonders can happen!

How does TBM work? The Nervous system is composed of the Central Nervous System, which runs the voluntary function or movements and the Autonomic Nervous System, which runs the involuntary functions of the body such as heart beat, digestion etc. Each of these systems are further divided into sensory & motor fibres.

The brain is the primary control for both branches of the nervous system. Sensory fibres carry messages to the brain where they are processed, like a computer, and the brain, in turn, tells the body what to do.

Research has proven that under sufficient stress, the neurons in the brain centres, which are controlling the stressed organ or body part, essentially depolarise.

This is like blowing a fuse on an electric circuit. The message gets to the brain but fails to return. The results are that the brain loses effective control over the afflicted organ or body part.
This leaves the organ or body part running out of control. Using tried & tested reflex points and muscle testing, the TBM practitioner can find the problem.

The practitioner will then stimulate a specific area or areas of the spine in a specific manner in an attempt to stimulate the neurons in the brain to repolarise and allow the brain to regain control of the body and guide it back to health.

What can be treated with TBM? Since a correctly functioning nervous system is a major requirement for health, it follows TBM can have a part to play in almost any problem and uncover and correct the roadblocks to recovery.

The list that TBM can treat is extensive but some of the main areas which have seen powerful results are in allergy corrections, fighting viruses, flu, autoimmune diseases, bacteria, and parasites. It can also help balance sugar and water metabolism and treats infertility.

What are Custom Made Foot Orthotics?

Did you know we have more than one arch in our feet?  Correct support for your feet is beneficial for your whole body.

Do you have foot pain? leg or knee pain?  maybe hip, back or neck pain.

Any of these symptoms may be caused by faulty food mechanics

Used to help correct, align and support the feet, custom made foot orthotics are like “spectacles for your feet”.  In the same way we wear glasses to correct our vision, foot orthotics or stabilizers are key to correcting body movement and function.

Its like a chain reaction…..Chiropractors know that the pain you may feel in your neck may be spine misalignment which is actually caused by unbalanced positioning in your feet.  That’s why it’s important to look at things from the ground up.

First a scan is taken of your feet and Dr Misha will discuss your specific needs, then assess which type of orthotic may best suit you.

Many of our patients have found that custom made foot orthotics have helped to hold their adjustments longer and improved how their bodies function overall.

Call us today to arrange a foot scan and find out if “spectacles” for your feet can improve how well you move!

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