Inner West Physiotherapy

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372 Burwood Rd Belmore NSW 2192
02 9740 5716

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Inner West Physiotherapy in Belmore, Sydney, NSW is listed under Physiotherapists Specialising in Headache Physio, Neck Pain Physio, Joint Pain Physio.

Some other services offered by Inner West Physiotherapy include Physiotherapy, Dry Needling, Shoulder injury Physio, Back Pain Physio, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Physio, Soft Tissue Massage, Sports injury Physio.

Call the staff at Inner West Physiotherapy to contact us for further information.

We are experts at reducing musculoskeletal pain

If you have ever had a sports injury, woken up with a stiff neck or back or any other condition that caused you to lose some or all of your functional movement, then you will require our services.

At Inner West Physiotherapy, our team has the qualifications and experience to treat an extensive range of musculoskeletal conditions and have been continuously providing physiotherapy services at our Marrickville and Belmore Practices for almost 30 years.

Over 30 years of experience

Our treatment techniques are based on proven scientific research, clinical experience, and continuing education. We are experts at traditional massage techniques like Swedish, remedial and deep tissue massage. We also have many years of experience in utilising Asian soft tissue techniques such as cupping and guasha, which we incorporate with trigger point dry needling (also known as Western style acupuncture) to enable our patients to get quick and rapid pain relief and normal joint movement.

We are also skilled with the more traditional physiotherapy techniques such as joint mobilisation and manipulation, strapping, post-operative rehabilitation and exercise prescription. Call Inner West Physiotherapy today to make an appointment or visit our clinics in Marrickville and Belmore. We can help you, no matter what your goal is.

State of the art gait analysis and orthotic prescription

At Inner West Physiotherapy, we use the TOG GaitScan™ system to analyse your gait as you walk. This enables us to identify exactly what your feet are doing with each step and assists us with coming up with custom-made orthotics to correct any biomechanical issues that are picked up.

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Treat and manage

It’s always best to treat any physical injuries and discomfort as soon as possible. When seeking care to manage those ailments you need a physiotherapy clinic that offers prompt service with a proven track record for treatment. Our treatment techniques are based on proven scientific research, clinical experience, and continuing education.

We are experts at traditional massage techniques like sports, remedial and deep tissue massage. We also have many years of experience in utilising Asian soft tissue techniques such as cupping and guasha (soft tissue scraping), which we incorporate with trigger point, dry needling (also known as Western style acupuncture) to enable our patients to get quick and rapid pain relief and normal joint movement.

We are also skilled with the more traditional physiotherapy techniques such as joint mobilisation and manipulation, strapping, post-operative rehabilitation and exercise prescription. Call Inner West Physiotherapy today to make an appointment or visit our clinics in Marrickville and Belmore. We can help you, no matter what your goal is.

At Inner West Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre, we have the highly qualified and trained medical practitioners who specialise in all areas of physical therapy.

Dry Needling

The concept of modern dry needling is based on a trigger point and muscle imbalance model.

A dry needling therapist can “feel” with the needle and utilise it as a diagnostic instrument. This is often extremely helpful as tight muscles, contractures and trigger points are invisible to X-rays, CT scans or MRI. Contractures in deep muscles can be felt with the needle, via feed back on the quality of the tissues that it is penetrating. Contracted muscle fibres provide resistance to the needle and may cause a “grasp”. This often reproduces the patient’s symptoms, deep ache, or a sudden involuntary muscle twitch which the Chinese describes as “deChi”.

The initial assessment determines the needling sites. Your physiotherapist will seek out tender (hyperalgesic) and tight muscle bands in affected muscle segments for needling.

Following the needling, physical signs such as: shortening, muscle spasm/guarding and tenderness can disappear in seconds or minutes. More chronic conditions may take several sessions to treat.

Following the treatment:

The muscle tension is reset and the trigger point is desensitised by the body’s own pain reducing substances (e.g. endogenous opiods, enkephalins, serotonin, Beta endorphins etc).

State-of-the-art gait analysis and orthotic prescription

At Inner West Physiotherapy, we use the TOG GaitScan™ system to analyse your gait as you walk. This enables us to identify exactly what your feet are doing with each step and assists us with coming up with custom-made orthotics to correct any biomechanical issues that are picked up.

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