Live in Good Health Today

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Mango Hill QLD, 4509
0424 019 564

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Live in Good Health Today in Mango Hill, Brisbane, QLD is listed under Massage specialising in services such as Neck Massage, Shoulder Massage, Aromatherapy Massage.

Some other services offered by Live in Good Health Today are Scalp Massage, Swedish Massage, Relaxation Massage, Back Massage.

Call the staff at Live in Good Health Today to make your next appointment.


I’ve worked in the medical industry for over 25 years as a Registered Nurse in various institutions.

During that time I’ve seen a wide array of disease processes and was continually frustrated at the non holistic approach to health care.

Now, as a fully qualified and trained Naturopath, Nutritionist and Herbalist, I’m passionate about health and wellness, and fully aware the body, mind and soul need to be brought back into balance..

Janine Noakes
My aim is to create a lasting difference to your state of wellbeing.

I achieve this by not only drawing on my professional and practical experience, but also by inspiring you with the knowledge to take control of your own health.

I have extensive experience and success in health care and healing through practical experience and extensive study with qualifications in the following health and healing fields:
Registered Nurse
Advanced Diploma Naturopathy – Australian Institute of Applied Sciences
Advanced Diploma Western Herbal Medicine Naturopathy – Australian Institute of Applied Sciences
Advanced Diploma Nutritional Medicine Naturopathy – Australian Institute of Applied Sciences
Excellence in Clinical Application in Naturopathy – Australian Institute of Applied Sciences
Certificate IV Massage
Seichim & Reiki Master
Reconnective Healing Levels I, II, & III
VLA Practitioner.

What I can do for you…

I offer treatments at my Mango Hill home clinic, utilising my life skills and knowledge in Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Therapeutic Massage, Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique, Spiritual counselling and Guidance.

I have clinical success in treating Weight Loss, Digestive/Gut Disorders, Candida, Thyroid disease, Chronic UTI, Chronic Fatigue, Food Allergies, Anxiety and panic attacks, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and Grief Recovery.

Many more states of disease respond well to Naturopathic care and depending upon the condition, I use an individual modality or a complementary set of therapies, to stimulate the body’s innate ability to heal itself, (and not to just ‘band-aid’ the symptoms). I’ve also assessed and successfully treated the following conditions:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

·         Crohn’s Disease

·         Stress

·         Low libido

·         PMS

·         Insomnia

·         Menstrual complaints

·         Eczema
·         Fibroids

·         Men’s Health

·        Hypertension

·         Pain

·         Arthritis

·         Environmental Allergies

·         Migraines

Naturopathic Code of Ethics

The Naturopathic Physician acts to restore, maintain and optimize health by providing individualized care, according to his/her ability and judgment, by following these 6 principles of Naturopathic Medicine;

1. The Naturopathic Physician shall endeavor to first, do no harm; to provide the most effective health care available with the least risk to his/her patients at all times. (Primum Non Nocere)

2. The Naturopathic Physician shall recognize, respect and promote the self-healing power of nature inherent in each individual human being. (Vis Medicatrix Naturae)

3. The Naturopathic Physician shall strive to identify and remove the causes of illness, rather than to merely eliminate or suppress symptoms. (Tolle Causum)

4. The Naturopathic Physician shall educate his/her patients, inspire rational hope and encourage self-responsibility for health. (Doctor as Teacher)

5. The Naturopathic Physician shall treat each person by considering all individual health factors and influences. (Treat the Whole Person)

6. The Naturopathic Physician shall emphasize the condition of health to promote well-being and to prevent disease for the individual, each community and our world. (Health Promotion, the Best Prevention)

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