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1 Whistler Street Manly NSW 2095
(02) 9976 2666

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Opening Times

Mon to Fri 7am to 7pm

Saturday 8am to 2pm

MGS in Manly, Sydney, NSW is listed under Physiotherapists offering services such as Acupuncture, Headache Physio, Hydrotherapy.

Additional services by MGS are Remedial Massage, Dry Needling, Back Pain Physio, Shoulder injury Physio, Sports Taping, Neck Pain Physio, Joint Pain Physio, Sports injury Physio.

Contact MGS to find out more information about our services.


Our Physiotherapists maintain a very high level of post graduate training and qualifications.  We run our own training programme drawing on our combined knowledge and experience.  We open our regular professional development sessions to other Physiotherapists and find that they are very well received.

We have three Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists within our group who coordinate and implement our ongoing education.  The extra training and academic pursuit undertaken for this qualification brings a wealth of additional skills and knowledge to all of our team.  It is the constant retraining and skills development that has made us one of the leading manual therapy practices in Sydney.

What is a “Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist?”

A Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist must complete an additional 2 years of full time study on top of the 4 years of undergraduate Physiotherapy study.  They must be accepted into the programme by displaying a high standard of clinical musculoskeletal experience.  There are less than 800 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists in Australia from a total of more than 15 000 Physiotherapists.

The Australian Physiotherapy Association describes a Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist in the following way.

They are:

“rightly regarded as experts in their chosen field of physiotherapy. They employ advanced clinical assessment and diagnosis methods, and have been trained in a broader range of treatment techniques than many other health professionals.  As a result, APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists are world-leaders in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of muscle and joint problems, especially low back and neck pain”.

APA web page

Better results in fewer treatments
We achieve better treatment results in fewer sessions!

Each year HCF provides all Physiotherapists with the statistics for all treatment provided to their members.  The very large sample size means that these results draw a very accurate picture of how practices perform relative to each other.

We are very proud of our results each year because they show us that we are achieving one of our core aims of attaining better results in fewer treatments.  Our average number of treatments per condition was 2.6 for 2008 compared to 4.6 for all Northern Beaches Physiotherapists and 4.3 across the country.  While some conditions require much more treatment than others all our Physiotherapists have achieved similar results

Relaxed and friendly environment

Health clinics can be a bit stuffy and even unfriendly at times.  We are not like that at all because we want to have a good day as well.  We think that if our clients are comfortable with us we can help them better.  We all love our work and we enjoy helping people.  You will find us attentive to your needs and motivated by a genuine desire to help and understand your problems.  We are busy yet we will run on time and you will not feel rushed.

We believe that the reason we are always busy is because you are never rushed

One person at a time

We only ever deal with one client at a time.  Our appointments are made on the half hour and we schedule time without appointments in order to make and return phone calls or write our reports.  This means that we have enough time to assess, diagnose, explain and treat during your time.  It also means that we do not run late.  We do a lot in the time you have with us.  We do not place you on machines in the corner while we do other things.  We stay with you throughout your session because if we are not directly treating your condition we will be demonstrating for or explaining things to you.

You can see us before work or in your lunch break and know that you will not be late back

Look for the Cause and solve the problem

We understand that controlling the symptoms of an injury is very important in the short term.  Reducing pain and allowing people to return to their normal activity is a vital component of our initial attention.  In addition to this however we like to fully understand the origin of a particular problem.  It is one thing to accurately identify or diagnose what is wrong and it is another to identify the underlying cause.  We start planning how to prevent reoccurrences from the start helping people to treat the cause as well as the symptoms.



Manipulation is what we call the cracking of a joint. It is technically described as a high velocity, low amplitude thrust movement of a joint producing a click or cracking sound”. We do not think about this techniques as some do as a method of “putting something back in”, rather we know that it has a short term freeing up effect on a joint allowing improved movement and hopefully sustained improvements in function as a result. Our Physiotherapists are highly trained in the use and benefits of this technique however we do not use it all the time. We always discuss this technique at length before offering it to you and we only perform this technique if you are comfortable with its use. Don’t worry we would never sneak up on you and perform a manipulation without your approval.
Mulligan’s techniques

These are often referred to as SNAGs or NAGs. They are another method of mobilizing the joints and gaining increased movement of the spine and reduced pain. The Physiotherapist will glide or gently lift a spinal joint while you move. For an ankle or hip joint the Physiotherapist might use a special belt to glide the joint while you move the joint. People are often amazed by how much improvement can be gained from Mulligan’s techniques
Soft Tissue Release

This is a form of massage utilized a lot by our Physiotherapists often in conjunction with the other techniques described. It is a targeted or specific type of massage where a muscle or muscle group is stretched along its length by the massaging movement. When we find certain muscles to be contributing to a problem due to their shortness or overactivity then we employ a soft tissue release technique. It is a very effective method of treatment and has a role in most musculoskeletal treatments.

Dry needling

Dry needling is a technique where acupuncture needles are used to treat overly irritated points in a muscle. We often refer to these points as trigger points. If a trigger point is significantly over active it may lead to weakness or restriction in the flexibility of the muscle. This can then lead to all sorts of musculoskeletal problems.

Dry needling can reduce the hyperactivity and sensitivity of the trigger points. It looks just like acupuncture however there is no direct use of Chinese medicine principles


Many people derive significant additional benefits from acupuncture while they are under a physiotherapy treatment program. Matt Geister utilises acupuncture within some of his treatment programs as an adjunct to treatment. We are also often likely to refer our clients to highly regarded acupuncturists in their local area.

Muscle Energy Technique

This is a treatment technique we often utilize for improving the way bones and joints move. People often hear about hip or pelvis misalignment and Muscle Energy Technique is often used to “realign the pelvis”. It involves fairly subtle muscle contractions under our direction where you push towards our resistance. For such a gentle technique people are often very surprised by what can often be very dramatic improvements in movement and pain. At MGS Physiotherapy we incorporate Muscle Energy Technique into our treatments however it is never the only thing we do. It does not take long and there is plenty of time left in the sessions to find further improvements.

Core Stability Assessment using Real Time Ultrasound

Core stability is a concept talked about very much by Physios and Personal Trainers.  It is very well known that deficiencies in your core stabilisers can lead to recurrent back pain.  It is also very well documented through clinical research that if you can improve your core stability then you can dramatically reduce the likelihood of your back pain returning.

At MGS we use a state of the art real time ultrasound imaging unit to examine your ability to activate your core stabilising muscles.  This is the same type of machine that is used when you have a pregnancy scan.  We look at all of your abdominal muscles and how they behave together when you do certain activities.  It is an excellent method for us to determine if you have good core muscle stability and control.  You are able to see for yourself just what we are asking you to do.   By watching the screen you can get instant feedback about how you are activating your abdominal muscles.  It is a very fast way of learning how to get it right without confusion.

We learn a lot more about your core stability by using real time ultrasound.  We identify those who have good control and are ready to progress their exercise regime and conversely we identify those who need more work before upgrading their activity.
 Exercise prescription

Exercises carried out at home are a very important component to any individual’s recovery. When exercise is a component of treatment we refer to it as an active recovery. Our Physio’s are aware of how difficult it can be to follow an extensive exercise program. We ensure that we give you very specific activities to perform and set up your program in such a way that you will be able to keep it going as long as needed. We know that people don’t do really boring and over the top exercises.


Hydrotherapy is a fully supervised exercise programme set and supervised by Physiotherapists in specially designed warm water pools. For correct and effective hydrotherapy the pool temperature must be higher than that of a normally heated swimming pool. The warm water and weightless effect of being submersed means that even very painful conditions can be exercised effectively. We run a number of private hydrotherapy classes directly out of the Mona Vale Hospital hydro pool.

Hydrotherapy offers many benefits to a large variety of people. It is very suitable for rehabilitation following injury or surgery, for arthritis sufferers or for general spinal pain and stiffness. Fit and healthy people looking to improve their core strength or just maintain their activity levels find hydrotherapy very beneficial.

The MGS Physiotherapy hydro classes are run by highly qualified Physiotherapists who take the plunge and spend the entire session in the water. This allows the Physio to actively correct techniques and move around the participants helping them with their individual needs. The attention given in the water means that the classes are suitable for a variety of requirements and fitness levels.

There are currently limited vacancies on most days of the week. The majority of private health insurers will refund most or in many cases all of the cost of the classes. Department of Veterans Affairs and approved WorkCover claims are also accepted as payment in full. Classes are run in four terms throughout the year. To secure a place in a class or to have an information sheet about term dates and costs sent to you please contact us on 9979 6978


“I have been going to MGS for years and you couldn’t hope for a better set of hands to be in. I have a pretty bad back that requires regular tune ups ( bulging disc issues) and they always get me back in shape. Totally professional, highly experienced.”

“These guys are excellent. I tore an MCL. The physio correctly diagnosed the tear swiftly. He also explained how he knew it was an MCL versus another tear or condition. Lastly, recommendations for exercises to assist the repair process were clear and informative. Finally saying: “If you follow the above we will not need to see you again”, tells me that these guys don’t take short cuts or rort their clients. I haven’t been back as a result of their workmanship, however would if I had any ailments. MGS back their ability, they care for their customers and as a result I have referred 3 friends to the MGS practise. Great operation.”

“One of the best Physiotherapists I’ve been to :)”

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