Mi:skn Clinic

Contact Details

206 Stirling Street, Perth, WA 6000
(08) 9328 3350

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Opening Times

Monday to Friday: 12.00pm to 7.30pm

Mi:skn Clinic is Perth’s only Integrative Skin Clinic specializing in Acne and Skin Health. As a result driven Clinic, our highly experienced team combine Naturopathy, Dermal Therapies and Acupuncture with the latest innovations in skincare. Our ability to mix our Clinic’s resources enables us to provide clients with comprehensive treatment protocols for acne, aging, redness, scarring and other skin disorders. Let us help you take control of your skin.

mi:skn in Highgate, Perth, WA is in the category of Beauty Salons specialising in services such as Acne Treatments, Skin Treatments, IPL Treatments.

Some other services offered by mi:skn include .

Call the staff at mi:skn to make a booking with our friendly staff.

Our Team


Francesca Perino is the Clinic’s founder and Anti-aging Acupuncture Specialist.

Having gained a Bachelor of Science in Acupuncture at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in 2006, Francesca chose to specialize in Dermatology and Anti-aging Acupuncture and has done extensive post-graduate training in facial rejuvenation techniques in both in the UK and Australia.

As a specialist in her field Francesca has contributed to articles in Wellbeing Magazine, Nature and Health Magazine, FHM, Vogue Australia and regularly gives professional contributions to the The West Australian newspaper.

Francesca is a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.


Sarah Kontor has worked in the beauty industry for 13 years, she graduated from Central TAFE with a Diploma of Beauty Therapy in 2003. After gaining hands on experience in the beauty industry, Sarah qualified as a Dermal Therapist and has been working in this field since 2010. She has also completed professional training in Clinical Skin Needling and cosmeceutical skincare prescription.

As our Senior Dermal Therapist Sarah works closely with the team to devise a personalized skin protocol that meets each client’s needs. Sarah is our Clinic’s skincare expert.


Graduating from AIHM in 2005, Brooke has worked in integrated clinics with doctors, provided technical support to fellow practitioners and taken her skills internationally to Vietnam working alongside dermatologists at Orient Skin Clinic.

Brooke has helped to devise an Acne Protocol within Mi:skn Clinic, and has worked as a specialist in this field for the past 5 years. Having completed post graduate training in salivary hormone testing and pathology analysis she takes a comprehensive approach to understand the underlying causes of her clients skin conditions. Brooke works closely with our Dermal Therapist to provide a comprehensive approach to acne. Brooke is a member of the Australian Natural Therapies Association (A.N.T.A).


Sharon has recently joined us, bringing her established practice and client following to Mi:skn Clinic.

For over 16 years Sharon has applied her expertise and skills as a Medical Herbalist, consulting with patients on a wide variety of health issues, with a special focus on women’s hormonal problems. Her current professional practice at Mi:skn Clinic also includes providing DNA Profiling for anti-aging and skin health clients.

Sharon is an independent practitioner, for more information on her practice or to book a consultation, visit www.idnahealth.com.au.


Clinton joined Mi:skn Clinic in 2014 as our Nurse Practitioner, providing on-site Health Checks and Pathology services to our clients.

Clinton is the director of Nurse Practitioner Clinics Australia, he and his team run health clinics from a number of locations around Perth. Nurse Practitioner Clinics Australia work within the strict direction of Clinical Practice Guidelines, only treating ailments that are minor in nature. Complex presentations are referred to the General Practitioner.




“As a teenager I suffered badly with acne due to hormonal imbalances, I never imagined at nearly 30 I’d face the same agony. The acne started in March 2014, I had stopped taking the pill the previous November. The doctor put me back on the pill, Yasmin and gave me creams to try which just inflamed and irritated the cysts. After 3-4mths and no improvement I went back to the doctor who gave me antibiotics with the next step being roacutane. I was at my wits end and really struggling with confidence and in quite a bit of pain due to the infected cysts on my face. I remember finding it difficult to eat an apple as I couldn’t open my mouth wide enough. It just so happened I heard a radio advert for Mi:Skn before I had started taking the antibiotics. I booked in for an initial consultation in September 2014 with Sarah & Brooke and my world improved from that day forward! Following thorough consultations, blood and hormone tests we put a treatment plan in place. My treatment involved a change of diet, LED light treatments, extraction, peels and a combination of supplements and Chinese herbal medicine. Within a couple of months I noticed a huge improvement and now a year on (apart from slight marking) you’d never know I even had acne. It was a really hard time for me physically and emotionally, but I was always made to feel like I was in a comfortable safe place when I visited the clinic. The discretion and compassion from all 3 ladies made the whole process less painful. Francesca, Brooke and Sarah, I can’t thank you enough for helping me through such a difficult time.”

“I began suffering from acne from the age of 14 where I was swiftly prescribed a round of antibiotics that led to me trying Roaccutane at a fairly young age coupled with the contraceptive pill. I went on to try various brands of the pill through my teens until I trialled the Yaz and was happy with how it largely managed my skin issues and continued to use it for several years. Nearing my 30’s, I began to hear reports of the Yaz being responsible for cardiac issues in women using it longterm and planned to stop taking it following my 30th birthday as I was also wanted to start trying to conceive. I had big reservations about stopping it as I’d heard many horror stories about the likely effects of coming off the pill and for the first couple of months those fears were abated until, almost overnight, I began to breakout with large, sore cystic acne all over my face and felt completely ill-equipped to manage it. Like most acne sufferers, I spent a huge amount of time researching possible solutions and felt disheartened by the contradictory information available while feeling increasingly self conscious. I came across Miskn during a web search and booked in for an initial appraisal which left me feeling positive about tackling my acne for the first time in months and also like I had someone who was invested in helping me ‘fix’ my skin problems. Miskn are focused on understanding the individual internal issues, while tackling the external acne issues to balance short and long terms results. I used a regular series of LED light treatments and peels to target the acne from the beginning while re-evaluating my diet and tackling my hormonal issues through the use of specifically prescribed natural medicines. It’s taken some time, but I do feel like Miskn gave me the tools to help me understand how to think about and manage my skin and the results speak for themselves. I know it’s working because I hardly ever think about my skin now and am regularly happy to go makeup free to the beach or shops – something I never would have felt comfortable doing in the past. The Miskn team have been absolutely delightful to deal with and made me feel totally comfortable from the beginning – I nearly look forward to my appointments. I would encourage anyone having skin problems to get in contact with them to work towards a solution – with a little perseverance and willpower it’s totally realistic for anyone to get their skin issues under control with the support of the Miskn team. ”

“As a 30 year old I can easily say I’ve battled acne for more than half of my life. The first flurry of teenage full face break outs brought about my first round of my many dermatologist and prescription forays. Antibiotic creams and pills, drying out creams, everything you can think of was applied to my body. They usually gave a temporary solution whilst at the same time grossly exacerbating the sensitive “good” skin I had. Just shy of my 16th birthday I was prescribed Brenda oral contraceptive pill (OCP). This worked pretty well, I thought my acne was cured! And it was, for a few years. I again started to break out in my late teens so once again off I went to the dermatologist (and don’t they get paid a lot to look at you with complete boredom!). I was then prescribed Roaccutane. I attempted to change my OCP script to a lesser dose at age 24. This caused quite the breakout, so I switched back to my original pill. It still hadn’t clicked with me that this whole time my acne was not cured by the concoction of hormones and aggressive chemicals, but rather being kept at bay. As a 27 year old I decided that I no longer wanted to take the fake hormones the OCP provided. I read a LOT about cleaning up my diet and getting my body in the best condition as it weaned itself off the hormones I’d taken for 14 years straight. Boy, was I still completely unprepared for what was to come. After 4 months of being pill free, I thought I was in the clear. Then, all hell broke loose. My face broke out in such unimaginable pimples, all over my cheeks, chin and jawline. I’d have many the size of 5 cent coins. They were so painful they’d wake me in the middle of the night. I cancelled parts of my social life as it was too unbearable, spending my weekend desperately scouring forums for any suggestion I’d yet to try. When I found mi:skn, I was hopeful (as always), but of course completely dubious. After ALL the things I tried and all the medical professionals I’d seen I wasn’t feeling great faith in something holistic. Not only that, it was more money. And time commitment. Two things I didn’t want to give to another thing that didn’t work. If you’re having doubts… please, stop. Book. An. Appointment. Mi:skn is not only run by the nicest and most understanding woman (which is such a far cry from the dermatologists I saw), but when you walk in the door you have to understand that they’ve seen your case hundreds of times already. They know exactly what they need to do and what you need to do. Is it a quick fix? Hell NO! Your body needs to heal itself from the inside out, don’t be thinking some magic potion is going to have you waking up with beautiful skin in a week. This takes time. But it’s time you have to commit to, because it’s what is going to work. I’ve been off the OCP for 2.5 years now, and free of acne for more than a year. And I STILL can’t believe it when I look in the mirror or am able to touch my face without pain. I can’t stress enough how amazing mi:skn are. Truly amazing.”

“After a series of operations, ill health and a rapid decline in weight the 60year old body totally sagged…….argh! Fate came to my rescue whilst googling “skin stuff” in the form of Miskn and Francesca… She may have been aghast when she first saw what she was “up against” but she didn’t show horror, but rather a genuine and professional concern to the treating of my face. As it had taken years to get my face to the stage it was in, a natural turnaround does not happen in one go….hence regular needling and acupuncture treatments…good diet…and using the recommended serums on a daily basis.. Results are showing. Was recently amazed when I received my updated passport…I actually look younger than the 10year old previous photo!!! It’s a calming pleasure to visit the Miskn Clinic with the friendliness and professionalism of Francesca, Brooke and Sarah.”

“Have you ever been stuck between a rock and an hard place called acne? I have…I had tried every treatment/skincare imaginable and still couldn’t understand why my skin wasn’t getting better. My acne was so bad that it was causing me physical and emotional discomfort. Discovering the amazing team at Mi:skn was one of the best accidental coincidences I have ever made. Each of them played a very important role in the education, treatment and prevention of my acne. I cannot stress enough how much their treatments and skin care range have helped me! My skin has come a long way and I have the lovely ladies at Mi:Skn to thank for that. Forever grateful for their services.”

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