Red OHMS Group

Contact Details

9 Richardson Street, West Perth, WA 6005
Red OHMS Group
1300 229 533

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Opening Times

Monday - Friday 8.30Am - 5PM

Red OHMS Group replaces good luck with great science and provides stakeholders with best practice tools and metrics to improve the health and welfare of workers, visitors and the community. Our team understands your business and that consultation and communication with all stakeholders is key to achieving your health and safety goals.

Environment: OHMS Environment provides focused & risk-based environmental solutions to support all industry to best manage risks to human and ecological health.

Hygiene: Our mission is to protect worker health and safety by partnering with clients to understand their risks and how to manage them and to create a workplace where the health, safety and wellbeing of employees is paramount.

Training: OHMS Training is an Occupational Hygiene Training Association (OHTA) Approved training provider offering specialist courses that promote safety and health and foster good working practices.

Drop us an email for more inquiries atĀ


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Red OHMS Group
9 Richardson Street, West Perth, WA 6005
1300 229 533