Tatu Me – Permanent Tattoo Make Up

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102 Miller Street Thornbury, Melbourne, Victoria 3071
0400 828 863

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Looking your best makes you feel better


Hello, welcome to Tatu Me Cosmetic Tattooing website.

I have endeavoured to make sure as much information as possible is available for you to make sure you are well informed and able to make a decision about your preferred choice in Long Lasting Cosmetic Tattoo Make Up/ Permanent Make Up in Melbourne.

As is common in many industries these days there are many cosmetic tattooits in Melbourne offering Cosmetic Tattooing Make Up, this is good for allof us as competition keeps most people honest however, always remember that a cheap price may not necessarily be a bargain as well as a dearer price may not be a better quality product.  Do your homework on your practitioner and remember to be smart in your decision process.

Tatu Me – Permanent Tattoo Make Up in Thornbury, Melbourne, VIC is categorized under Beauty Salons, Cosmetic Tattooing, Tattooing Courses, Training Offering Skin Treatments, Cosmetic Tattooing, Full Lip Tattooing.

Additional services by Tatu Me – Permanent Tattoo Make Up include Lip Liner Tattooing, Facials, Anti Wrinkle Injections, Eyeliner Tattooing, Eyebrow Tattooing.

Call Tatu Me – Permanent Tattoo Make Up to make your next appointment.

So enjoy reading away about cosmetic tattooing for Eyebrows, Eyeliner, Lips and more.

Please feel free to email me or call me should you have any further questions or concerns and I will happily answer these for you.

Have a fantastic day.

What is Cosmetic Tattooing?

Cosmetic Tattooing, also called Micropigmentation, is a popular treatment involving the insertion of colour pigments into the dermis layer of the skin, instantly improving appearance with a long lasting effect.

What does it look like on the skin? 

With eyebrows, the more hair you have (no matter how fair or dark), the more natural it looks. Lipline can be thick, thin or blended depending on your preference. The colour is chosen at your consultation and can be matched to your preferred shade. With the eyeliner, you can achieve a natural, or dramatic effect. The option is yours.

How is cosmetic tattooing done? 

With a either a hand-held pen like machine, a digital machine or a hand tool using alldisposable parts. The depth of the pigment deposit is regulated, making the procedure safe and controlled.

Is it right for me?

Everyone, from the young to the elderly, who desire a soft, natural or prominent enhancement to their appearance can benefit.

Is there discomfort involved?

The sensation can vary from person-to-person. A topical anaesthetic is applied for the eye area procedures or a dental block can be administered for lip tattooing to significantly reduce discomfort.

Do I have a choice of colour?

The range of colours available is almost tireless and colours can be tailored to suit every clients needs.
How permanent is Cosmetic Tattooing?

Even though this is a permanent process, colour can be modified or changed. It has been known to last for many years but does fade over time and may require maintenance or ‘Refresh’ visits.
Particularly where a lighter colour is used such as a “blonde” in an eyebrow procedure.

Do I have to have it redone after a certain period of time? 

It is recommended to maintain the best of your make up that you speak to your practitioner about retouches between 12 to 18 months after your initial procedure.

Can I have a colour I like for my Eyeliner or do I have to have Black? 

No you do not have to have black, there are various other colours available for Eyeliner. However always remember that once implanted, the colour is there!

I have Blepharitis is that OK?

Yes it is Ok to have your Eyeliner done if you suffer from Blepharitis.
What sort of care do I have to take after my permanent make up is done? 

You will be given both verbal and written after care instructions after your procedure and it is pertinent that you follow these instructions to gain the maximum benefit from your permanent make up.

Can I still use Cleansers and Toners after I have had cosmetic tattooing? 

It is best to follow the instructions given after a procedure and to not use these products until after the period stated by your practitioner.

Is there an age limit on your procedures? 

No there is no age limit you can have any procedure done at whatever age, however it is best to be over 18 before making a decision like this.
If I have really badly over plucked my eyebrows can I have my Eyebrows done?  You are the one of the perfect people to have permanent make up done.

Eyebrows – Solid, Feathering, Hairstroke & 3D

Our eyebrows frame the face . You can choose from a solid brow or even ‘hair strokes’ to a natural shaded colour that adds a great background to your brows. No more pencils or unevenness! Great for those who have over plucked, shaved or even have poor eye sight.

Eyebrows can be either a solid eyebrow, feathered or hair stroke.  Clients choose different styles for different reasons. I will work with you to determine the better look for you to suit your face, your eyebrows etc.


This outlines the lip shape then blends the colour from the lip line onto the lips, making the outline less obvious. A lipline and colour blend makes it much easier to apply lipstick and ensures a great shape all the time! Of course you can forgo the Lipstick full stop and just apply Gloss!!

Lipline & Blend (Full Lip Colour)

This is the one of the most popular treatmenst, where the lips are left tinted with an overall colour. No more lipstick worries! Lips will always look tinted with a beautiful shape. An almost endless colour palette is available.  However be aware there are various people with skin tones with ancestory from places such as East India, Africa and Asia (Phillipines) that are not suited to lip tattooing as the tattooing causes “hyperpigmentation”.

Top and Bottom Eyeliner

This highlights the eyes in either a soft or bold manner. Clients can have either top or bottom or both. Eyeliner can be eyelash enhancement or stronger definition with a more bold look.  The choice is yours!!

About Tatu Me

About Me – Kelly

My qualifications consist of completing an accredited course in Micropigmentation with a School of Cosmetic Tattoo in Melbourne, Australia. I have been trained at the highest level and I am up to date on the latest technology and products in the Cosmetic Tattooing and Make-Up fields.

I have been a Long lasting Permanent Make Up practitioner in Australia now for just under 10 years and I work mainly in Thornbury but do visit via appointment various Beauty Salons in Victoria and in both Hobart and Launceston Tasmania.

To me, your satisfaction is guaranteed. I will listen to your needs and I am fully committed to providing you with an enhanced sense of well being, which will come from you looking your best.

I will achieve this through customer focus and an emphasis on producing the best possible result.

I continue to impove my knowledge and skill set regularly and attend many courses to obtain qualifications to be a knowledgable,confident ans skilled practitioner.

I am dedicated to finding the look that is right for you in consultation with you.

I hold the following Certificates:

Certificate of Achievement-2005

To design and perform the application of Cosmetic Tattoo procedures WRB31A

Certificate of Attainment 2007

PBC – Pain Management, Advanced Full Lip, Hairstroke Eyebrows

Certificate of Study & Examination in Pain Control Safety & Effectiveness for Micropigmentation

The American Academy of Micropigmentation Dec 2007

Certificate of Achievement 2008 – Atlanta Georgia USA

Advanced Areola Pigmentation Cheryl Steinberg Rosenblum – Board Certified Instructor and Practitioner

Certificate Blood Born Pathogens 2012 USA

Certificate of Achievement 2012 The Dixon Technique USA

Certificate of Achievement 2012 Enhanced Eyeliner and Eyebrows USA

Certificate of Amazing Aerolas 2012 USA

Certificate Dry Skin Needling 2012 USA

Certificate Dixon Technique & Lip Colour 2012 USA

Certificate Advanced Brow Technique 2012 USA

General Information

Escape the hassel and experience that extra bit of self confidence by starting the day with your eyeliner, eyebrows and lip liner already applied, thanks to process of permanent make up also known as long lasting make up, cosmetic tattooing and micro pigmentation.

Permanent make up is long lasting and can last many years, often longer.  However it is usually recommended that a client have re-touches done to keep the make-up fresh looking as often as they feel their make up needs to look re-freshened.

Many great benefits of cosmetic tattooing and permanent make up include:

– Look great all the time, without the hassle of applying make up

– Won’t run, smudge or rub away

– Ideal for people with alopecia orwhom may have undergone chemotherapy

– Perfect for people who suffer from visual impairment

– For people who have allergiesand reactions to cosmetic make up

– People suffering hand and eye co-ordination loss

– Ladies after masectomy

Many great benefits include:

– Add definition to eyes

– Re-shape uneven lips and brows

– Create fuller symmetrical lips

– Camouflage scar tissue

What Happens at your Appointment

When you arrive at a salon you and I will discuss the shape and colour you want to achieve with your cosmetic tattoo make up. Important factors in this decision process include the colour of your ownmake up, your natural skin tone and what you the client are wishing to achieve on the day.

When we are ready to commence I take a Before photo and start your client file, this is where I record all of the procedure for future reference. You will also be required to complete a Client Indemnity Form at the commencement of this consultation.

Either you or I draw in the exact shape of the area to be coloured. This is used as a guide and also gives us the opportunity to check that the balance and symmetry is perfect and that you are happy with the look you will have on completion of your procedure on the day.

At this time I will apply a topical anaesthetic for approx. 20 minutes. This will numb the area before we begin. I will then apply the colour gently using more anaesthetic as we go. This will enable me to keep the area numbed during the procedure. This is the most widely used and comfortable method for applying cosmetic tattoo make up.

Once the pigment is implanted, we give you everything you will require to take care of your cosmetic tattoo, after care instructions, creme etc.

We take an After photo and off you go.


If you are nervous, you can take Panadol. This works on the nerve endings and is very helpful. Or alternatively Panadeine, which does the same but also helps you relax a little. If you are prone to runny eyes, maybe an antihistamine before hand could help.

It is important you do not to take any vitamin B or Aspro prior to any procedure.

If you have ever had a cold sore, it is very important to follow the below instructions if you’re having cosmetic tattoo make up on your lips. Lysine tablets need to be used prior too and after the treatment. And also Zovirax cream needs to be applied to the lip area for at least 4 days prior too and after the treatment.


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