The Happy Body

Contact Details

31 Balgowlah Rd Manly
0410 811 830

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Opening Times

Monday – Friday 8 am till 7pm

Saturday 8 am till 3pm

The Happy Body in Manly Vale, Sydney, NSW is categorized under Physiotherapists offering services such as McKenzie Spine Therapy, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Physio.

Other services by The Happy Body include Sports Physio, Joint Pain Physio, Neck Pain Physio, Headache Physio, Sports injury Physio, Whiplash Physio, Kinesiology Taping, Soft Tissue Massage.

Phone The Happy Body to book your appointment.

about us

Kinesio Taping is the most advanced therapeutic taping in the world of sports performance, pain management and physical therapy.

Dr Kenzo was the inventor of the amazing Japanese Oscillating Magnetic gun .The high frequency influence on any muscle, could never be achieved by hand, and in conjunction with the Kinesio taping the results are instantaneous and long lasting. He discovered that in just one session he was able to turn an inactive muscle into a 100% active muscle at peak strength. Truly amazing results !

Dr Kenzo’s Oscillating Magnetic Massage Gun is not taught in any seminars, nor can it be purchased. There are only two practitioners in Australasia who are privileged and have been highly trained to use this oscillating gun. Robert is one of them.

Robert trained under Jeff Murray who was the Director of Sports Massage for the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Jeff was personally taught by Dr Kenzo in Japan and passed his valuable knowledge onto Robert.

Robert practices an array of techniques to resolve pain fast, his favourite is the advanced Japanese techniques and Oscillating gun. This achieves instant muscle activation, reducing or stopping painful symptoms at the cause! With amazing long lasting results.



We both do a thorough consultation on your history, looking at X-rays, MRI’s or CT scans, to form an accurate picture of your situation. However chiropractors do not include vigorous testing that cover the entire body including muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, nerves and organs that are potentially involved.
The chiropractor more often looks at your immediate source of back pain in the 30 minute, initial consultation. How much history, testing and treatment can be done in 30 minutes?


We conduct primal movements and balancing tests, and stress tests to assess weakness versus strength testing where most chiropractors do not.
We use Kinesiology and Reflexology to test every muscle throughout the body as we know that following the site of pain is often misleading.
Karel Lewit “ he who treats the sight of pain is lost…”


We use a hands on high frequency magnetic massage gun that has the same effect of 30 minutes of hand massage in minutes to release the very muscles responsible for the mis-alignment of the pelvis/spine or vertebra.

In one session the gun  turns an injured muscle that is inhibited  into a 100% firing muscle at peak strength, often with complete reduction or a significant reduction of pain.


Most Chiropractors are not trained to release tight muscles and trigger points, nor do they attempt to. The Chiropractor philosophy is to only adjust the bony spinal structure, which is why a session is only 15 min, and then trusting the muscles and tendons to follow after the chiropractic treatment.
Each spinal adjustment only lasts short periods, because tight muscles pull on this adjustment, there by needing constant adjustments to try to keep the vertebras in place.
This type of treatment is known as palliative care, e.g. treating the symptoms, and not the cause of the symptoms.
We look at the reasons why you need constant spinal adjustments and provide soft tissue treatment to the structures involved.
Our treatment process reduces regular chiropractic visits.


We apply Kinesio taping to stimulate weak non firing spinal muscles, that supports the vertebrae instabilities.
The taping allows the patient to return to there work place or favourite activity with support/confidence.

There are only two practitioners in Australia and I am one who have thoroughly studied the application of Kinesio taping the correct way. The Japanese way, not the American way.  Applied the Japanese way you get long lasting results and significantly reduce pain.


After we have identified the non-performing/weak spinal muscles and given them strength, and have returned the muscles to normal function again, at this point an exercise routine is designed targeting all your weak problematic muscles.
Chiropractors do not, nor do they have any idea how to prescribe an exercise routine in any useful detail ie. We don’t wrap you up in cotton wool and keep you coming back for the same treatment, expecting different results.


We provide an individual  routine in conjunction with exercises, which allows you pain free movement in your daily life. Examples of this could be…
• Parent picking up their children
• Athletes that want to get back to sport faster
• Workers doing repetitive work like cashier, shop assistant

We eliminate the cause of your back pain by taking the stresses off your muscles, joints and ligaments achieving a more balanced workout.


Chiropractors use a high force velocity adjustment to achieve their results, which can be very unpleasant and painful, e.g  cracking the neck or back.
MET (muscle energy technique) is so soft, gentle and pain free that you don’t even know you have had an alignment, (adjustment)  We align and position the vertebra like chiropractors do and we only do this when necessary. Not routinely as Chiropractors.  We achieve the same results without the harsh cracking alignment.


“My 17 yr old son Jack has experienced constant back pain for the last 5 years due to various surfing and skateboarding accidents and a belief that he is indestructible and could possibly fly! I have taken him to many “experts” over these years, including physiotherapists, chiropractors, podiatrists, Chinese medical practitioner and have spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars trying to find relief for him, every time to be disappointed with the result. (infact he appeared to be actually worse after some consultations!

Then we were recommended to see Robert Morrissey and in just 2 sessions Robert has changed my son’s life! Robert knew instantly just by observing my son what needed to be worked on and the results have been absolutely incredible , astounding and life-changing. I can’t thank Robert enough for the amazing work he has done already, my son is no longer experiencing any back pain at all and Robert has also taught him invaluable skills to help him keep his growing body in the best shape possible through exercise, good posture, stretching and good nutrition.

I believe teenage boys can benefit hugely from having an inspiring male role model at this crucial point in their lives and Robert has certainly sown many positive seeds in my son’s developing mind in just 2 sessions. My son thinks Robert is brilliant, he is no longer skeptical and now has faith that Robert can help him recover, be strong and healthy and get his body into the peak condition it should be at his age…thank you so much Robert, my only regret is that we didn’t find you years ago!”

“I am pleased to recommend Robert Morrisey of Happy Body . He has changed my life around as I was very limited in how much and how long I could play the piano. It had started to effect my teaching as I could not strech my hands even to an octave and be in constant pain. My span now is 10 white keys , same as when I was in my twenties. I can now play for two hours without a break.

In the last two years I have been to hand therapy sessions at the hand clinic and physiotherapy but none of these were successful for me. However after the first session with Robert there was an incredible flexibility and strength in my hands. I went twice a week for two weeks and now only need maintenance once a month.

If you have an injury or you are in pain, don’t put up with it and try Robert Morrisey. You have nothing to lose.”

“I have been incredibly fortunate to have been recommended to The Happy Body by my personal trainer, who he himself is a professional extreme adventure guide and uses The Happy Body regularly. I do very intense performance driven workouts and having my body at peak form is absolutely essential. Over the years I have developed a few symptoms with my body that other therapists and practitioners across the US and Australia could not fix properly, let alone help me understand – and that’s exactly what Rob at The Happy Body has done for me. Each time I have visited I not only walk away feeling FAR better – but I am also educated about my body and how to keep injury away proactively. This is not the type of place that will just focus on the acute point of pain and reschedule you for treatments multiple times – here I have found a place that not only addresses my pain and all muscular issues, but educates me on how my body is acting and why. I have recommended The Happy Body to a number of friends and colleagues – and highly advise anyone that wishes their body to function at its peak to visit at least once.”

“I had been having some lower back and hip issues and I’d like to think I’m quite fit, so I don’t normally have many Musculoskeletal issues that hinder my movement. I was forwarded Robert’s contact through my wife’s boss and booked in for a session.

Robert quickly traced the problem down to muscular issues in my Hips and upper legs. With a few treatments to the appropriate areas, my back pain had completely gone away. Not only that, Robert figured out what I was doing wrong at the gym and gave me tips and exercises of what I should be doing to fix my technique long term.

Fantastic outcome, I would have no hesitation in visiting Robert again.”

“I first met Rob almost 8 years ago after being referred to him from a trainer at my gym. I was 15 at the time and was suffering from debilitating back, hip, leg and ankle pain down my right side that caused a major impact in my everyday life. As a former gymnast and at the time full time dancer, I knew injuries were a part of the sports, but this pain was unbearable. I had seen 3 physio’s, 2 chiro’s, had acupuncture done several times, and had consulted with 2 surgeons who both advised me I needed surgery to fix 2 bulging discs in my lumbar spine. 2 appointments later with Rob, my pain was completely gone, swayed back was almost perfectly aligned, hips had a better range of motion and my feet were functioning better for dance. Rob changed my entire quality of life – I went from someone who was taking several prescription painkillers every day to manage my pain levels, to being able to literally jump out of bed and dance for 8 straight hours without any pain or injuries. 8 years later I still see Rob regularly, he’s helped me through on and off shoulder & neck pain, and most recently a broken ankle. Rob is the friendliest person you will meet, everything is about the client and he will go above and beyond for any one of his patients. He is so passionate about his work and getting results for everyone. He is constantly learning new techniques and ways to support his patient’s with faster results. Rob is professional, courteous, polite and friendly, and he is truly one of a kind. Get in now while you have the chance!”

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