Piercing Shops Carlton VIC

Found: 3 Piercing Shops in Carlton, VIC and Surrounding Suburbs.
1. Killer Bees Tattoos
182 Elgin St Carlton, melbourne, VIC, 3053
(03) 8419 8277

Japanese Style Tattoo, Ethnic Tattooing, Watercolour Tattooing, Script Lettering Tattooing, Tribal Tattooing, Body Piercing,

2. Pierce De Resistance Pty Ltd
701-703 Rathdowne Street North Carlton 3054 Melbourne Victoria, Australia
03 9349 1114
Distance: 1.46 KM

Ear Lobe Piercing, Genital Piercing, Tongue Piercing, Nostril Piercing, Lip Piercing, Navel Piercing,

3. Piercing HQ
1B/ 12 Hoddle Street Abbotsford,Melbourne, VIC, 3067
03 9419 7707
Distance: 2.74 KM

Piercing HQ in Abbotsford, Melbourne, VIC is listed under offering services such as Septum Piercing, Belly Button Piercing, Ear Piercing. Some other services offered by Piercing HQ are Ear Cartilage Piercing, Lip Piercing, Tongue Piercing, Ear Rim Piercing, Nostril Piercing, Genital Piercing, Nose Piercing, Body Piercing. Call the staff at Piercing HQ to make your next appointment.